Gutenberg Image Separator Block

Add a Graphic Element to Separate Between Gutenberg Sections

Enhance Visual Hierarchy

Separators help users visually distinguish different parts of the content and follow the flow of information you provide.

Add Visual Interest

Insert Image Separators to create clear breaks between Gutenberg sections. All inside your WordPress website.

A camera icon added to represent the Image Separator block icon types.

Image Separator Types

Get the ability to select from multiple image separator types like an Image, WP Dash Icons, SVG, and Lottie Animations.

Seamless Integration

Create Visual HierarchyOn Your WordPress Site

Image separators on a web page are a design powerhouse, boosting readability by clearly dividing content sections, guiding users through your message with a stronger visual hierarchy, and injecting personality and style that can set your landing pages apart. This translates to a smoother user experience, increased engagement with highlighted CTAs, and ultimately, the potential for better conversions.

A hand drawn girl holding a brush and a color palette to design a webpage.

A Great Solution to Separate Content

Style Your Website with Polished Image SeparatorsImage Separator Block Adds a Visual Flair to Your Gutenberg Website

The Gutenberg Image Separator block is a powerful addition to Premium Blocks’ elements for the Gutenberg editor. Seamlessly, say goodbye to mundane content layouts and hello to dynamic visual storytelling. With the Image Separator block, you’ll get the ability to divide and separate your WordPress content sections with stunning images that captivate your audience’s attention.

An illustrated girl holding a pencil to sketch a website landing page.

Seamless Integration

Multiple Separator TypesImage, Lottie, Icon, and SVG

Choose from icons, images, SVGs, or even Lottie animations, besides, the ability to control the image separator width, size, and alignment, in addition to adjusting the spacing to get the perfect placement that meets your need.

A Redirection Separators

Turn your Image Separator Gutenberg block into a clickable call to action. This block works flawlessly within the Gutenberg editor.

Level Up Your WordPress Website

High PerformanceIs Our Paramount

Reliable and Secure

Premium Blocks prioritize stability and security, ensuring your content remains safe and accessible.

Cutting-Edge Updates

Constantly evolving, delivering new features and enhancements to optimize your creation experience.


Proudly crafted for speed, ensuring your website loads quickly and delivers a smooth user experience.

Google Maps Block for Gutenberg Editor

Well Documented

Never get lost! Find comprehensive documentation and resources to guide you every step of the way.

A vibrant circular icon with a white star centered over a swirling blue and purple background, enclosed within a neon pink and purple gradient border.

Get Premium Blocks for GutenbergBuild Super Professional Websites

With ZERO Coding Knowledge Required

About Leap13

Leap13 is a WordPress-focused web development firm specializing in building premium WordPress themes and plugins.

Copyright © 2024 | Built With ❤️ Using Kemet WordPress Theme and Premium Blocks