Gutenberg Icon Box Block

Flexible Icon Boxes Built with Gutenberg Blocks

Chart Success Icon

4 Icon Box Variations

Skip the design process altogether! Choose from professionally crafted variations/layouts to jumpstart your Gutenberg Icon Boxes.

Gutenberg nested blocks Icon

Nested Gutenberg Blocks

Leverage the power of Gutenberg nested blocks! This means you can easily build complex layouts by incorporating other blocks within your icon boxes.

Monitor mobile Icon

Responsive Design

Look great on any device! The Icon Box block ensures your content displays beautifully and adapts perfectly across desktops, tablets, and mobile phones.

Effortless Design

Get Stunning Pre-Built Icon Box VariationsFor Faster Workflow Inside Your WordPress Gutenberg Editor

Stop wasting time on design! Gutenberg Icon Box block offers a variety of pre-designed layouts to get you started easily and quickly. Simply choose the one that best suits your content and brand aesthetic, then start using it inside your Gutenberg editor.

25+ Free Blocks for Gutenberg Editor

Advanced Global Features for Free

Code Free Website Building Experience

Well-Documented WordPress Plugin

Boost Visitors Engagement

Grab Attention and Explain Your Services ClearlyTailor Every Detail to Make Your Gutenberg Icon Boxe Meet Your Needs

The icon boxes on a WordPress website are a powerful tool to break up text, highlight key features, and visually represent your offerings. This will definitely lead to increased user engagement and a clearer understanding of your value proposition.

A colorful gradient app icon featuring a white star centered within a white circle, set against a vibrant pink, blue, and purple background.

Premium Blocks for Gutenberg

A WordPress plugin that adds new blocks to the Gutenberg editor. These blocks are designed to help you create more visually appealing and engaging content for your WordPress website.

Kemet logo,it contains a dark blue circular logo featuring a stylized golden.

Kemet FSE WordPress Theme

Kemet has been built specifically for the new Full Site Editing (FSE) experience introduced in WordPress 5.9. It’s designed to be fast and lightweight, and leverages Gutenberg blocks for building your website.

A hand drawn hero header with a fast clock timer on the top right corner.

Supercharge Your WordPress Website

Download Premium BlocksThe Free WordPress Plugin

Creating amazing-looking WordPress websites within the intuitive Gutenberg editor using Premium Blocks for Gutenberg.

A hand drawn laptop icon displays a wireframe call to action section.

Complete Customization Freedom

Make Your Content Shine With Gutenberg Icon BoxesSeamlessly, Add Image, WordPress-Dash, SVG, or Lottie Animation Icons

Elevate your WordPress website’s visual appeal and grab your audience’s attention with the power of icons! This Icon Box block for Gutenberg editor empowers you to seamlessly integrate various icon types directly into your Gutenberg editor. Choose from WordPress-Dash icons, Image, SVGs, or you can use Lottie Animation Files all without any need to touch a single line of code.

Advanced Global Settings

From your Gutenberg editor, manage typography, colors, spacing, and more – all at once, for a consistent and cohesive WordPress website aesthetic.

Equal Height Feature

The equal height feature ensures your Gutenberg content blocks automatically adjust to the same height, resulting in a sleek and professional presentation.

Presets and Variations

Choose from a library of ready-made styles or you can customize the existing ones to create unique layouts that perfectly match your vision.

Design Your Way

Create Stunning Customizable Icon BoxesHassle-Free and ZERO Coding Knowledge is Required

By combining clear icons with concise text, you can effectively break down information, highlight key points, and guide readers through your content. This improved readability and user experience leads to increased engagement and ultimately, higher conversion rates.

Start Building Professional WordPress Websites Now…

Premium Blocks for Gutenberg empowers anyone, regardless of coding experience, to create professional-looking websites with ease. This free plugin equips you with a comprehensive library of pre-designed blocks, including the powerful Icon Box block, to craft stunning and engaging layouts.

Level Up Your WordPress Website

High PerformanceIs Our Paramount

An illustrated lock icon is displayed as a transparent image.

Reliable and Secure

Premium Blocks prioritize stability and security, ensuring your content remains safe and accessible.

An illustrated hand holding a maintenance key and displayed as a transparent image.

Cutting-Edge Updates

Constantly evolving, delivering new features and enhancements to optimize your creation experience.

An illustrated icon displays a box held by 3 flying balloons.


Proudly crafted for speed, ensuring your website loads quickly and delivers a smooth user experience.

3 illustrated hands of 3 teamwork members are sketching on a paper.

Well Documented

Never get lost! Find comprehensive documentation and resources to guide you every step of the way.

Get Premium Blocks for GutenbergBuild Super Professional Websites

With ZERO Coding Knowledge Required

About Leap13

Leap13 is a WordPress-focused web development firm specializing in building premium WordPress themes and plugins.

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Copyright © 2024 | Built With ❤️ Using Kemet WordPress Theme and Premium Blocks