Gutenberg Gallery Block

Showcase Multiple Image Files in an Organized Grid

Flexible Grid Layouts

Select from three distinct grid layouts – Even, Masonry, and Metro – to perfectly match your content and website design.

Seamless Image Selection

Get a seamless integration with your media library, allowing you to upload and use images within the block itself.

Pen black icon on trensperant background

Intuitive Customization

Adjust spacing, control the image sizes, and even add a description to each image, all within the media Gallery block.

Metro Grid Layout

Create Stunning Media Galleries Inside GutenbergShowcase Your Image Files Using Gutenberg Gallery Block

Elevate your website’s visual appeal and engage your audience with captivating image presentations. The Premium Blocks Gallery block which comes for free offers a user-friendly experience with drag-and-drop functionality and flexible layout options.

Masonry Grid Layout

Unlock The Power of Visual StorytellingUsing the Free Media Gallery Block for Gutenberg Editor

Choose from three stunning grid styles (Even, Masonry, Metro) to perfectly match your content and website design. Each layout offers a unique visual experience. Besides, getting the ability to fine-tune your gallery with intuitive controls. Adjust spacing, manage image sizes, and add captions – all within the Gallery block itself.

A hand-drawn hero header with a fast clock timer on the top right corner.

Supercharge Your WordPress Website

Download Premium BlocksThe Free WordPress Plugin

Creating amazing-looking WordPress websites within the intuitive Gutenberg editor using Premium Blocks for Gutenberg.

A hand-drawn laptop icon displays a wireframe call-to-action section.

Even Media Grid Layout

Seamless Customization for a Polished LookNo Hassles! Adjust Your Image Grid to Make It Appeal to Your Website

The Media Gallery block is your one-stop solution for creating captivating image galleries within your WordPress Gutenberg-based website, allowing you to showcase your content in a visually compelling way and elevate your website’s storytelling potential. Create stunning image presentations that are seamlessly adapted to any device and screen size.

Level Up Your WordPress Website

High PerformanceIs Our Paramount

Reliable and Secure

Premium Blocks prioritize stability and security, ensuring your content remains safe and accessible.

Cutting-Edge Updates

Constantly evolving, delivering new features and enhancements to optimize your creation experience.


Proudly crafted for speed, ensuring your website loads quickly and delivers a smooth user experience.

Google Maps Block for Gutenberg Editor

Well Documented

Never get lost! Find comprehensive documentation and resources to guide you every step of the way.

Get Premium Blocks for GutenbergBuild Super Professional Websites

With ZERO Coding Knowledge Required

About Leap13

Leap13 is a WordPress-focused web development firm specializing in building premium WordPress themes and plugins.

Copyright © 2024 | Built With ❤️ Using Kemet WordPress Theme and Premium Blocks