Premium Blocks for Gutenberg offers the ability to use Google Fonts, allowing you to choose from a vast collection of fonts to create unique and professional typography for your website with Gutenberg editor. With the Load Google Fonts Locally option, you can download and store Google Fonts on your WordPress website’s server, which can improve page load times and performance. You can also use the Preload Local Fonts feature, which loads your website’s fonts before the page is even displayed, ensuring that your visitors see your content as soon as possible. Finally, the Allow Only Selected Fonts option lets you choose a limited number of fonts to use, which can help simplify your design and improve readability.
To get Premium blocks on your WordPress website, make sure to install and activate the following plugin(s).
This section provides a step-by-step guide on enabling the feature that allows Google Fonts to be loaded locally. The steps include:
“Preload Local Fonts” option is used to preload local fonts on the website, ensuring fonts are loaded quickly and efficiently before the page content is displayed.
“Load Google Fonts Locally” This option downloads and stores Google Fonts on the WordPress server, improving page load times and performance.
This section gives a guide on how to select specific Google Fonts to use on the website:
Go to WP Dashboard -> Premium Blocks -> Performance tab, then enable the Allow Only Selected Fonts option and select the fonts you want.
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